Presidential Debate 9/26/16 -- My thoughts

Last night was the first Presidential Debate between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump.  Who won? The Democrat in me says Hillary Clinton and yes, I will be voting for her on Election Day.  But to be honest, the debate had no clear winner. Depending on which side of the political spectrum you lean toward, you will say your candidate won.  What I do know and feel is that Donald Trump is not qualified to be leader of our country.

Yes, that is the Democrat in me speaking, but if you look at what transpired over the 90 minutes, can you honestly say you want Trump as President, regardless if you are Democrat or Republican? I wasn't able to pay close attention to what was going on because the activity on Twitter was as exciting, along with a 3year old distracting me and a 1 month old asking for his next bottle (thankfully Daddy took care of that), but I was to get that Trump liked to interrupt Clinton whenever she spoke and sniffled a lot.  What was with his sniffle?  Also, he kept sipping at his glass of water.  At the rate he was going, I'm guessing Trump really had to go to the bathroom after the debate was over.

I was not surprised at Trump and his disposition during the debate.  He acted pompous as expected and could not resist interrupting Clinton every chance he got. He even challenged moderator Lester Holt during the moments Lester would fact check him, saying he (Lester) was wrong.  Perhaps what was glaring was how Trump never really answered the questions posed. He'd veer off on some tangent only to return with an answer during the last 20 seconds of his time.

Clinton, on the other hand was not innocent either. She did her own mudslinging, but at least she didn't continuously interrupt Trump whenever he spoke.  She did bait him and it made Trump look bad, but she answered the questions and was respectable to Lester Holt.

Lester Holt was not a good pick for moderator of the debate.  I felt he had no control over the candidates and let them go on and on. A stronger moderator would have taken control and reigned the candidates in rather than let them babble. At some points, I wondered if Lester was still there because I hadn't heard a peep from him.  I'm hoping for the next debate whoever is moderating will do a better job.  In fact, I hope it's a woman because Trump doesn't have a good track record with women moderators (see Megyn Kelly).

Next debate: Sunday, October 9th with Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz moderating.


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