The Missing Shoe...
You're probably wondering why there's a photo of a pair of shoes along with a lone shoe. Well, there's a story behind that funny photo you see. The photo is also a lesson in why you should never let your 3 year old hold the bag of with her new shoes in them as she rides in the stroller during the walk home from a shopping trip. So, the story... The weather was nice today and since it was Saturday, I decided to take Charlotte out with me shopping on 82nd Street in Jackson Heights. I figured it was a good opportunity to get a good walk in, while spending time with Charlotte. Lately, I haven't been able to have one on one time with her because all of my attention has been focused on Logan. We headed out around 10:15AM, leaving Allan home to take care of Logan. The temperature felt pretty cold at first if you weren't walking in the sun, but it was still comfortable and by the time we got to the shopping district, I was all warmed up from the walk. The ...